Chen Yi An
Alyshea Mo
Monika Lendermann
Sam Chua
Alyshea Mo
Cally Tan
Chen Yi An
Diyana Aqilah
Fikri Muzaki
Monika Lendermann
Nathaniel Soon
Safiah Noorhimli
Sam Chua
Beverly Chew, who disappeared for a while
Kinokuniya outlets
Allscript (online)
Basheer Graphic Books
New York
Import News
Zhejiang, China
一爿旧店​ One Half In
Now & Again was started by a group of art and design graduates who are now based all over the world - Singapore, Japan, the U.K., the U.S. and the Netherlands. Even though not all of us chose to pursue an arts-related path after studying at an interdisciplinary arts school for six years, Now & Again brings us together. This is a platform for projects, a space for collaborations and an impetus to create.
Our post-grad transitional period of moving abroad, embarking on university studies, or the dreary monotony of military service is what inspired the theme of our first issue: Disappearances. It was a time of understanding new environments, discovering what a sense of belonging meant, coming to terms with feelings of displacement, leaving things behind, and negotiating the spaces we have now learned to occupy. Regardless of which points in our lives we were at, we realised that our encounters and experiences were constantly slipping by – sometimes abruptly, and sometimes so gradually that we only perceived them in retrospect. And so, in this issue, we explore how we deal with disappearances in our lives from our distinct personal perspectives.
Launching Now & Again, we hope to work with different creators from various specialisations for our future editions. It doesn’t matter where you are, where you’re from or where you’re going – ideas come and go every now and again, and this is where we invite you to keep that conversation going.
Thank you for picking this up, and we’re excited for you to be a part of the start of Now & Again.